The Finnish chess problem magazine

  • ISSN 2242-3257
  • Published since year 1946
  • Informs on both national and international events, composing and solving competitions and organizational issues
  • 4 issues in a year (2020) in A5-format
  • Old name until the end of 2010 was ”Suomen Tehtäväniekat

Permanent columns:

Other columns:

  • Announcements and awards of national composing competitions
  • Column presenting recently successful Finnish compositions
  • Composer portraits
  • Information on important international composing competitions
  • Presentation of topical books
  • Reports on WFCC congresses

In year 2023, there were 216 pages with several articles on various topics. See Tehtäväniekka 1/2020 as pdf

The editor in chief is Jorma Paavilainen, Ristiniementie 20 B 12, 02320 Espoo.
Other members of the editorial board are Hannu Harkola, Janne Syväniemi and Henry Tanner

Originals editors (copy the address & replace with @):
Kari Valtonen (direct mates) karivaltonen83gmail.com
Vladislav Tarasjuk (studies) vladchessukr.net & tnchessendgamestudiesgmail.com
Harry Fougaxis (helpmates) loyaldragongmail.com
Johan Beije (selfmates and fairies & retros) johan.beijeoutlook.com

Subscriptions abroad

You may pay for your subscription in various ways, for example:

  1. To our bank account:
    BIC-code: NDEAFIHH
    IBAN-code: FI34 1443 3000 0418 86
  2. Cash (EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, …) in a registered and/or insured letter.
  3. International Money order or Postal order.
  4. International or Personal Cheque. Please, add 10 euros for bank fees!

In addition to the alternatives mentioned, you may pay to Finnish participants during WFCC meetings, arrange exchange for problem chess magazines etc.

The subscription fee abroad is mentioned on the 2nd page of every issue. For 2024, the subscription fee abroad is 33 Euros.

For details, please contact either the editor in chief Jorma Paavilainen or ST Treasurer: Hannu Harkola, Vähän-Kellosalmentie 93, 17500 Padasjoki. Tel. + 358-(0)45-6789042.

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