Summary of Tehtäväniekka 5/2022

Summary of Tehtäväniekka 5/2022


In the previous issue we published a selection of commented compositions by Unto Heinonen. At the Fujairah WCCC we gave the magazine to Boris Tummes, among others. A few days later Boris mailed a cook of H10, a record for the longest proofgame without captures. However, we can now publish a correction by the composer, though he died in September and had obviously no idea of the cook. For this rare possibility we can thank Kostas Prentos, editor of proofgame originals for StrateGems. Kostas remembered that Unto had sent him also a bit shorter version of the same idea, was able to find the version and now we can publish this one as our cover problem. See pp. 236–237 for more details.

Our society´s annual meeting of 2023 takes place on February 18. On the same day we have the Finnish Championship in Solving, which is a part of the Solving World Cup. See p. 196 for the invitations. Please follow our website https://www.teh­ for the latest information.

Two major international events dominate this issue. The results of the 11th WCCT were published in October. The competition was announced in 2020 and was successfully directed by Harry Fougiaxis. The Finnish team captain Janne Syväniemi has compiled the winners of each of the eight groups and the Finnish entries, see pp. 197–206. Finland finished 9th as in two previous WCCTs, so we have managed to stay in the top ten for more than a decade. Congratulations to the top three teams: Slovakia, Ukraine, and Germany!

The Fujairah congress took place in November. The event was smoothly organised and for many of us a unique visit to a new location. In this issue we report on the composing and solving competitions, see pp. 207–223. The most important decisions reached during the meetings are on p. 223–224. This congress marked an end of an era because it was the last in which Hannu Harkola was our delegate after 36 years. His first congress was in 1969 and he has had to skip only one. An impressive career!

Paha Pähkinä, a Tough Nut to Crack, selected by Neal Turner, is on p. 224, as well as information on the recently published FIDE Album 2016-2018. The autumn meeting of our society took place in the end of October. See p. 225 for the report on the event, the winner of the composing competition and an example from the solving competition. Now it is soon the time to look forward to spring meeting.

Kauko Virtanen turned 90 on December 25, 2021. For his jubilee ST organised a composing competition for direct mates in two moves, free theme. Barry Barnes, who has known Kauko for several decades, kindly agreed to judge the competition, see pp. 226–231 for the award. In Kauko’s spirit of encouraging aspiring composers, the best entry by a newcomer is also rewarded.

Recently distinguished Finnish compositions, compiled by Neal Turner, are presented on pp. 232–233. Congratulations to the successful composers!

The originals columns start on p. 236 and end on p. 250. Your contributions to the columns are welcome, as always.

Finally, thank you, dear reader, for the year 2022! The next issue is due to appear in March 2023.

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