Summary of Tehtäväniekka 2/2020
Our cover problem is by Ilkka Sarén, who celebrated his 80th birthday on May 16, 2020. In OTB chess, Ilkka is a FIDE Master and won the Finnish Championship in 1971. As a composer he has specialised in long helpmates, often with simple and elegant positions. The solution of our cover composition with a symmetrical position, but with asymmetrical solution, is on p. 58. A small gem!
The 11th WCCT has been announced and on pp. 60–67 we present the themes with selected examples. Let the composing begin! On pp. 68–72 we are happy to have the award for studies published in Tehtäväniekka in 2017–2019. Congratulations to successful composers and thank you to the judge, Martin Minski, for an expert award!
Neal Turner has picked A Tough Nut to Crack and if you wish to test your wits, check at the diagram on p. 72. Because of the Covid 19 pandemic, there have been no international on-site solving competitions during the past few months. As a compensation, Luc Palmans and Axel Steinbrink arranged a Lockdown Solving Tournament on May 9, 2020. The solvers worked at their homes, respecting the social distancing regulations. We warmly welcome such new initiatives, which could continue even in the post-pandemic world. This time Finnish solvers did not participate. See p. 73 for the report with an example of this rather difficult competition.
On the next pages we have dedication compositions to problemists celebrating their significant birthdays. On p. 75 we have the announcement of Jorma Pitkänen 80 JT, requiring direct mates, helpmates and selfmates in eight, utilising both white and black knights. The solutions should be without variations, see the three examples composed by Jorma.
The awards for helpmates in 2 and 2.5–3 moves, published in our magazine in 2017–2018, are on pp. 76–82. Thanks to the judge Dmitri Turevski, who worked efficiently, and congratulations to the successful composers!
On pp. 83–84 we have four composing competition announcements, three for Italian composers Francesco Simoni, Mario Parrinello and Stefano Mariani, and the fourth one for Kenneth Solja. Kenneth´s competition requires helpmates in three, with twins by exchanging the place of two units. No other twinning, no fairy elements. For details, see the announcement.
Joose Norri has selected compositions by two important composers, who were born in 1920: Avenir Popandopulo and Hugo Knuppert, see pp. 84–86 and 87–91, respectively.
The originals columns are on pp. 92–103. You are encouraged to send your originals to the editors of the columns. The next issue is due to appear in autumn. Stay safe!
Published 2nd June 2020