Summary of Tehtäväniekka 4/2024
Our cover pays tribute to Hannu Harkola, who turned 80 on 21st of September 2024. A short report on his versatile activity is on pp. 198–199. In case you wonder about the photo on p. 198: it was shot on Hannu’s birthday just before his 37th marathon started.
The annual meeting of ST takes place on 15th of February 2025. On the same day we have the Finnish Championship in Solving. Unfortunately, this event clashes again with another World Cup event, but our venue is booked on alternative dates. See p. 168 for more information. On the next page we have Paha Pähkinä, a Tough Nut to Crack, and a small change to the 3#-award for 2020–2021, published in TN 2/2024.
The award for helpmates in 2–3 moves of 2021–2022 is on pp. 170–179, and on pp. 181–187 the award for the #3s of 2022–2023. Congratulations to successful composers and thanks to our expert judges, Stephen Taylor and Jacques Rotenberg.
Kari Valtonen evaluates the recent book on Heikki Lukkarinen on pp. 189–190, and we are happy to announce Antti Parkkinen 60 JT on p. 190. Kari Karhunen has studied the book about solving by Piotr Murdzia, see p. 191. There is also a third presentation of a topical book, as Kari Valtonen deals with Gerhard Maleika’s book on stalemates in two, see pp. 191–193.
Neal Turner has compiled fifteen recently successful Finnish compositions, see pp. 193–197. On p. 200 we have dedication problems to Hannu Harkola and on the next page to Teppo Mänttä, who turned 70 in November.
Our society’s autumn meeting was held in the beginning of November, see p. 201 for a report on the event and the results of the competitions. The originals columns start on p. 203. Your contributions to the columns are welcome, as always!
The final months of 2024 brought an unpleasant surprise, because the Finnish Chess Federation announced a plan to halve the financial support for our society. In August 2023, the federation had decided to stabilize the annual support to 2 200 EUR, but this decision seems to be short-lived. We intend to continue with the publication of this magazine and other basic activities, but ST must either find additional income or cut costs, if the plan goes through.
Thank you, dear reader, for the year 2024!
The next issue is due to appear in March 2025.