Summary of Tehtäväniekka 1/2023
We regret to inform that Ilkka Sarén died on Christmas Eve, 2022. Our cover composition appreciates the strong OTB player as a composer. Ilkka published his first compositions in 1966 and the last ones in 2020. See pp. 12–13 for an obituary, selected compositions from a total output of about 80 and the solution of the study on the cover. On p. 23 we have two compositions commemorating him and the announcement of a national MT.
The annual meeting of our society took place on 18th of February 2023. The meeting report and related material are on pp. 4–7. The Finnish Solving Championship was held on the same day. The competition, which is a part of the Solving World Cup, attracted 18 solvers, five from abroad. See pp. 8–11 for the report, results, problems, and their solutions.
Our membership and subscription fees have remained the same since the year 2006. Constantly rising costs have led us to financial challenges and force us to raise these fees to 30 EUR within Finland or 33 EUR for abroad. See either p. 2 or p. 7 for the bank account details. Hopefully you understand our decision and continue to support us! For more information, please contact our Treasurer Hannu Harkola.
The 19th International Solving Contest took place on 29th of January 2023. On p. 11 we have a small report with three examples and the results of the Finnish participants. For all problems, solutions, and complete results, see
On pp. 14–18 we have the award of more-movers published in 2008–2009. Kari Valtonen judged the competition, which initially had no appointed judge. A second award follows: selfmates and reflexmates of 2020–2021 have been judged by Sergey Smotrov. Both awards remain open for the usual period of three months from the publication date of this issue.
We are happy to publish further information on the longest proofgame without captures. Recently we learned that Thierry Le Gleuher had published in Probleemblad a SPG of equal length to Unto Heinonen’s composition, which you may remember from the cover of our previous issue. However, Le Gleuher’s composition is now cooked by Boris Tummes, see pp. 22–23.
On p. 23 we invite you to our spring meeting in the beginning of May. A pleasant weekend in the Finnish countryside consists of sauna, chess compositions, good food and some sleep – what else does a problemist need?
Eleven recently successful Finnish compositions are on pp. 24–27. Thanks to Neal Turner for compiling the material and congratulations to the composers! A Tough Nut to Crack, selected by Neal, provides challenges for any solver, see p. 28. On the same page we congratulate Finnish problemists, who celebrate their significant birthdays in 2023. Congratulations also to Jorma Hinkka, an acclaimed graphical designer, who turned 80 on 12th of January 2023. He has assisted us by giving valuable advice on publications, i.e. books and this magazine, as well as designing our logo.
The Finnish Chess Problem of the Year 2022 was chosen by the trio Hannu Harkola, Pauli Perkonoja and Janne Syväniemi. They had ten compositions from five composers to evaluate. See p. 29 for the top three compositions. On the next two pages Joose Norri writes about Alfreds Dombrovskis, who was born on 19th of April 1923.
The originals columns are on pp. 32–46. You are encouraged to send your originals to the editors of the columns! The next issue is due to appear in May or June of 2023.