Summary of Tehtäväniekka 4/2021
Our cover problem is by Kauko Virtanen, who turns 90 on December 25, 2021. You can find the solution and another example of his composing skill on p. 154, along with a short summary of Kauko’s career in chess composition. He has been actively involved in our hobby for more than 70 years, having published his first composition in 1951! To honour Kauko we announce a national composing competition for direct mates in two moves. You can also find altogether seven problems dedicated to Kauko in this issue.
Our society´s annual meeting of 2022 takes place on February 26. On the same day we have the Finnish Championship in Solving, which is a part of the Solving World Cup. See p. 136 for the invitations. The pandemic situation may change our plans, so please follow our new website for the latest information. Please, do remember to update your Internet bookmarks!
The Rhodes Congress took place in the end of October. The event was smoothly organised with Harry Fougiaxis in charge. The venue was spacious and of high standard, the weather very enjoyable and we returned with pleasant memories. In this issue we report on the various composing and solving competitions, see pp. 137–150. The most important decisions reached during the meetings are on pp. 150–151. Last but not least, we have an interesting point of view from an accompanying person, Leena Turner, see pp. 151–153.
On the topic of significant birthdays, our GM in composing, Unto Heinonen, shares the same birthday as Kauko Virtanen. Unto turns 75 on December 25, 2021. See p. 156, also for a 2# of classical beauty and Unto’s artistic touch! We are glad to have a high-class original problem by Unto also in this issue.
On the next page we have dedication problems to Unto and the announcement for Julia’s Fairies 10 JT. This is followed by the award of Kenneth Solja 64 JT, see pp. 158–162. Another award, for moremovers published in this magazine in 2010–2013, is on pp. 163–165. Information on a book Close Encounters with the Chess Pieces, presenting Uri Avner’s selected compositions is on p. 165.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic the Finnish Championship in Solving of 2021 was postponed from February 2021 until the end of November. The competition was successfully directed, once again, by Neal Turner. See pp. 166–169 for the problems, solutions, and results.
The autumn meeting of our society took place in the first weekend of November. See p. 169–170 for the report on the event, the winner of the composing competition and an example from the solving competition. Our tradition of spring and autumn meetings started in 1989 and this meeting was the 60th one! We have had to skip a few meetings because of the pandemic, but we hope to continue, looking forward to the next spring meeting.
Recently distinguished Finnish compositions, compiled by Neal Turner, are presented on pp. 171–174. On the next page Jorma Pitkänen writes on his composing career and presents a composition to the memory of his late chess friend in Lahti, Jouko Äijälä.
The award of helpmates in 2–3 moves, TN 2019–2020, is on pp. 176–181. We are grateful to Vitali Medintsev for his quick and expert award!
The originals columns start on p. 182 and end on p. 194. Your contributions to the columns are welcome. Paha Pähkinä, a Tough Nut to Crack, selected by Neal Turner, is on p. 187.
Thank you, dear readers, for the year 2021! The next issue is due to appear in March 2022.